Actualizando disponibilidad con el hotel
SACO opera una red de apartoteles que ofrece servicios para clientes en estancia turística y de negocios en más de 30 países
SACO ? The Serviced Apartment Company will take full payment for your accommodation at the time of booking and confirm your arrival details at the property
Upon check-in, guests are kindly required to show the credit card used at the time of booking and a valid photo ID, such as a driving licence or passport
A refundable security deposit to cover ?additional charges?, including breakages, damages, extra cleaning and further accommodation charges incurred during your stay, may also be taken and you will be advised whether this is payable at the same time
This will vary on the size of apartment you have booked
Group Policy: We consider a group to be three apartments or more being booked in the same city for similar dates
When making a group booking full payment will be required at the time of booking and this is non-refundable
A security deposit, as above, will also be required for each apartment booked
Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee that all apartments booked will be in the same building
Apartamento de 1 dormitorio - cama extragrande
Cómo llegar
By car:
- At junction 25, take the 1st exit, which is the A52 to Derby
- Follow the A52 for approximately 6 miles (9
7 km) until you reach a roundabout with traffic lights (there is a fly-over on the right)
- Get into the middle lane; you will see a Peugeot garage in front of you to the left
- Take the 2nd exit (straight on) signposted for the city centre and the railway station
- Get into the right-hand lane and follow the signs for the A52 Ashbourne and inner ring road
- At the traffic lights you will see BBC Derby on your right-hand side and a large green and white building on your left
- Get into the right-hand lane and follow the signs to 'the inner ring road' and 'all traffic'
- At this point, you will see the apartment building on the right but you need to go around the one-way system to reach the building
- At the traffic lights, take a right, staying in the middle lane
- Take the next right and get into the left-hand lane following the road to the right
- At the junction it is signposted A6 Matlock
Carry straight on into Bridge Street
- Take the 2nd turning on the right into Brook Street
- The Millhouse is opposite Campion Glass towards the end of Brook Street on the right-hand side